Sunday, December 26, 2010

Paradigm Principle-Centered

Character Ethics based on the idea that there are fundamental principles that govern human effectiveness - natural law in as real human dimension, which does not change and can not be denied as well as law of gravitation in the physical dimension.
The idea of reality - and impact - of these principles can be seen on others experience a paradigm shift such as that delivered by Frank Koch in Proceedings, Naval Institute magazine.
Two battleships assigned to the squadron was at sea training and are conducting maneuvers in bad weather for several days. I served in the main warship and was on guard on the bridge as night fell. Poor visibility due to fog, the captain remained on the bridge watching all the activity.
Shortly after dark, lookouts on the bridge wing reported, "Ray, in the right direction."
"Fixed or moving backwards?" The captain shouted.
The spy said, "Stay, Captain", which means we are in a dangerous direction collision with the ship.
The captain then called out to signaling, "Give a signal to the ship: We are on a collision direction, we recommend that you change course 20 degrees."
Come sign replies, "You are advised to change the direction of 20 degrees."
The captain said, "Send the message, I'm Captain, change your direction 20 degrees."
"I am sailor level two", came the reply. "You should change direction 20 degrees."
At that time the captain became angry. He shouted, "Send the message, I'm warships. Change your direction 20 degrees. "
Come again replies, "I am the lighthouse."
We had to change direction.
Paradigm changes experienced by the captain put a different situation altogether. We can see a reality that is directed by a limited perception - a reality that is as critical for us in our daily life as it is for the captain in the fog.
Principles, like the lighthouse. Principles are natural laws that can not be violated. As noted by Cecil B. DeMille on the principles contained in the landmark film, The Ten Commandment, "We can not possibly violate the law. We will only destroy ourselves for violating those laws.
While individuals view life and their interactions in accordance with the paradigm or the map that emerged from their experience and conditioning, the map itself is not the territory described. Map is a "subjective reality", just an attempt to describe the region.
"Objective Reality", or the region itself, consisting of the principle of "lighthouse", which regulates growth and human happiness - the natural laws of civilized society are interwoven throughout the ages that became the roots of every family and institution that has been tested. The degree to which our mental maps to accurately depict the region without changing its existence.
The reality of the principle or natural law like this will be evident to anyone who thinks deeply and examines the cycle of social history. These principles often come to the surface, and are at the stage where people recognize and live in harmony with it to maintain the viability and stability or destruction and damage them.
These principles can be proven and can be easily verified by anyone. It seems as if the principle or natural law is part of the state of consciousness, and human conscience. These principles seem to exist within everyone, regardless of social conditions and the loyalty that exists.
For example, we refer to the principle of fairness, which develops throughout our concept of justice. Young children seem to have the innate sense of fairness, although the opposite experience of existing conditions. There are major differences in the way of fairness is defined and achieved, but there is an almost universal awareness of the underlying concept.
Other examples include integrity and honesty. Both form the basis of trust and cooperation essential for personal growth and interpersonal in the development of long-term.
One other principle is human dignity. The basic concept in the Notices of Independence United States show the value or principle. "We assume that there has been an essential truth: that all men are created equal and endowed by the Creator with certain rights that can not be revoked, among others, are right to life, liberty and the attainment of happiness."
There is a principle of service, or contributing ideas or donations. The other is Quality and Excellence.
There is a potential principle, the idea that we are in the embryonic stage and can grow and grow and show more and more potential, develop more and more talent. The principle is closely connected with the growth potential - the potential and talent development process, which takes the principles of patience, attention, and Encouragement.
The principle is not the practice. Practice is particular activity or action. Practices that succeed in one state does not have to succeed in other circumstances, as evidenced by parents who tried to raise a second child exactly the same when they raise their first child.
If the practice is specific according to the situation, then the principle is an essential and fundamental truth that has universal application. The principle is always true for every individual, marriage, family, private and government organizations. When it becomes a habit, this truth gives strength to the person to create a wide variety of practice in dealing with different situations.
Principle is not a value. A set of thieves may have the same values, but this value violates the basic principle that we are talking about. Principles are the territory. Values are maps. If we face a true principle, we have the truth - a knowledge of all things as they are.
Principles are guidelines for behavior which has proven lasting and permanent value. The principle is fundamental. The principle basically can not be denied because by itself is clear. One way to understand quickly the nature of which is clear from the principle suffices to consider the absurdity of an effective effort to live a life based on what is contrary to these principles. Very doubtful if anyone is seriously considering injustice, deceit, humiliation, inferiority, or degeneration as a solid foundation for lasting happiness and success. Although people may argue about how these principles are defined or manifested or achieved, there seems to be innate awareness that these principles do exist.
The more parallel the map or our paradigm with the principle or law of this nature, the more accurate and functional map or paradigm it becomes. Correct map will give effect without limits on personal and interpersonal effectiveness far greater than any effort put forth to change our attitudes and behavior.

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